Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Evolutionary Double Standard

Picture a fictional animal we will call the white backed pig. This pig lives in the African Savannah. Everyone once in a while, a pig will be born without the white back. So, when the lions hunt these critters, they easily see the white backed pigs, and those without the white back survive more frequently. The non-white backed pigs breed with each other, and, "ta-da", natural selection has happened in favor of the non-white backed pig.

Now, this pig (without the white back) every so often produces a pig with the risky and stupid gene. These pigs taunt the lions, and then they often get eaten. Thus the stupid, risky pigs are selected against.

What's my point? Although I don't believe life came from nothing, I agree with the theory of natural selection to some extent. As does our secular humanist culture. The culture that forces evolution to be taught in school, the one that forces gay marriage on us, the one that tells us morals are relative. This culture is reflected by a majority of our government.

Then why doesn't our government practice what they preach. Natural selection tells us nothing is too big too fail. However, government feels AIG, California, GM, etc. are too big to fail. Unfortunately, some of these companies have taken risks, made bad contracts, had irresponsible fiscal policy, and other such behaviors that hurt income. If we followed the Darwinian model presented here, these entities would fail, or at least go into bankruptcy protection. Then they could adapt and develop traits that would make them successful.

We support those who don't want to support themselves. We bail-out bad companies. We provide mortgages to those who can't pay them. This just encourages behavior that cannot be self-sustaining.

I belive in creation. I believe in God. I don't believe life started as a single-celled progenote. But I do recognize natural selection. We should realize there is an economic, government, and cultural natural selection. Maybe we should see how that could play out.

My two cents

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