Sunday, August 29, 2010

Navigating the ii-V-I (part 2)

A little more ii-V-I

Let's look at the minor ii-V-I, which is:

ii(m7b5) - V (or V(alt)) - i

Let's go to the key of A minor

For the Bm7b5, you can play:
D minor pentatonic
E minor pentatonic
A minor pentatonic

For E7 you can play:
F# minor pentatonic
B minor pentatonic
C# minor pentatonic

Or if you are playing an altered E7 (with either a b9, #9, b5, or #5)
G minor pentatonic minor
D minor pentatonic

For the Am7
A minor pentatonic
B minor pentatonic
D minor pentatonic
E minor pentatonic

As you can see, you can play a D minor pentatonic over the whole progression if you are using the V(alt). You could also use the D minor pentatonic over a standard V(dominant 7) to create tension.

My recommended progression for the ii-V-i (in A) would be:
D minor pentatonic - B minor pentatonic - A minor pentatonic

Over the ii-V(alt)-i, it would be:
D minor pentatonic - G minor pentatonic - A minor pentatonic

Two cents

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