Friday, June 12, 2009

Government Media Complex

Yes, I stole that from Michael Savage, but I think it is appropriate.

If the right doesn't get their stuff together, they will get smoked again in 2010. Why do I say this?

Here are my 2 examples.

Carrie Prejean makes her comment about gay marriage (which I agree with by the way). The media goes nuts attacking her. Therefore, much left and right wing media spend lots of time attacking/defending her.

Sarah/Bristol/Willow Palin. Letterman makes joke/comment, Palins are outraged (and for good reason). Left and right wing media spend lots of time attacking/defending Palin and Letterman.

While this is going on; government took control of tobacco, North Korea truly plays with fire with nuclear weapons, health care almost nationalized, etc. The point being, while the media runs on and on with Palin and Prejean, the government is taking over America. Keep watching the news, and you won't see what's going on.

If the right wants to take control, they will need to take action. First of all, get the focus on the really important things: economy, national defense, immigration; and off of personal matters.

Secondly, take action. Ron Paul's proposal to audit the fed is a great example of this. Don't whine and do something about what's going on.

We need to present solutions and actions, not just regurgitations of the problems. We need a strategy on how to take the power back (thank you Rage Against the Machine). We need a way to implement the strategy. While we spend our time talking about problems, the left is mobilizing and acting. Pay attention...

My two cents

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